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Welcome to Equilibrium Computer Solutions

Computer Repair, Maintenance & Support for business & home users in Glasgow and surrounding areas

Equilibrium Computer Solutions (ECS) offers a wide range of services to help with all your IT needs.F1 PC Help

Whether you are a small business looking to expand your network or a home user who is fed up with annoying pop-ups, we can help.

We have a combined experience of 12 years in the IT industry having previous employment with the BBC, STV and leading AV/IT rental company Quality Rental in varying capacities. Over the last couple of years we have solved over 50 PC/laptop problems for home users too - fixing it either in their own home or at our location.

Data Recovery

No Data - No Fee

Affordable Data Recovery in Glasgow.
Most types of data recovery available including:

  • Operating System Failure
  • Bad Sectors
  • Deleted/Formatted internal or external drives
  • USB Memory (Format now)
  • Laptop not booting
Data Recovery from £40


Virus Removal

Malware Removal Experts

Malware is a term used to describe hostile, intrusive or annoying software, often installed without the users consent.

While most other repair shops will format your hard drive and re-install Windows (losing all your programs and potentially your data) we endeavour to clean your machine of any infected objects while keeping all your files, settings and programs intact.

Virus Removal from £30


No Fix, No Fee

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We're confident that we will have the correct IT solution for you and to back that up we offer a no fix, no fee policy. If we cannot solve your problem then there is no charge.

Environmentally Friendly

an image In a world where we are all conscious of how we are affecting the environment, we aim to do our bit too. We will not use a car (where possible) when going out to a job. Instead, we will use public transport.  We also comply with the Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations to ensure old equipment is disposed of correctly.



Cost Effective

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Because we mostly work from home, we have very little overheads so the benefits are passed on to the customer in the way of cheaper prices compared to major outlets. A cheaper price does not mean a loss in quality at ECS. We pride ourselves in treating every customer as a unique individual and will do everything to ensure that they are entirely satisfied with our service.